The Train conductor

Was born in 1984, and grows to this day. He studied and graduated in Computer Engineering on the axis Padua-Barcelona.
He does work experience in Italy and abroad that led him now for 8 years working with PHP. Knows PHP5, develops deepening
acronyms like OOP, MVC, RAD, ORM. Forms his skills through individual and team work. He uses git.
Since 2007 and its 1.0 version he thinks that Symfony is the tool to focus firmly on.
For passion he examined in depth over the years each release of the framework made in France (also contributes to the development of some bundle/plugin); in the everyday work (and on his skin!) he tests its force
within an agency that, for medium-to-large customers, implements projects also-very-complex with gun-to-temples deadlines.
He's the creator and developer of, a web platform based on Symfony2 and released itself open source.
SymfonyBricks' purpose is the creation of a space where you can easily share guides and material on Symfony,
and at the same time it offers its own source code as an example of best practices.
He is co-creator and co-developer of CopiaincollaMetaTagsBundle, a bundle for Symfony2 to manage dynamic html meta tags.