The framework Symfony3
Organizing the code in a Symfony3 project
Request and Response objects, HTTP protocol
The morning of the first day will be dedicated to the theory. Supported by slides, we'll examine:
Symfony3, the framework
Routing, Controllers, Actions
Templating, TWIG template engine
Doctrine, Mapping
Forms, validation
Security, Authorization, Authentication
DIC and Services
You will get your hand dirty in the afternoon of the first day and the whole second day.
You will fix the theory on the code and you will face all the other topics on the agenda.
You will work to create a Symfony project: the evolved version of MusicStation. You will start from an empty folder, without neglecting any detail.
In group, you'll see and study each step more easily; alone, you will have the opportunity to practice and rehearse on the less immediate ones.
The framework Symfony3
Organizing the code in a Symfony3 project
Request and Response objects, HTTP protocol
The routing system: understanding and use
Request handling, redirect, forward
Effective design of controllers
Twig Template Engine for PHP
From the url to the template
Syntax, variables, operators, filters
Blocks, inheritance and extension of templates
Authentication and authorization
User roles and permissions
Creation of a reserved area
Use of FOSUserBundle
The Form component
Processing: create, send, bind, validate
Different type of validations
Doctrine2 ORM
Entity, Object Manager, Repository
QueryBuilder and DQL
Relationships and associations between entities
Sending email with Swift Mailer
usage from Uontrollers and services
Integration with Twig
Principles of HTTP Caching
Caching system
Introduction to Edge Side Includes (ESI)
Usage of Symfony console
Events and listeners
Dependency Injection Container
Use of the web debug toolbar
And then apply this to the creation of a specific project based on Symfony3 (~12 hours):
MusicStation |
Everything you need to let you develop your own projects.
Deepening of each step of the process of creating a website.
Each solution adopted will be treated and motivated.
Sharing of some tricks and tips that come directly from my daily experience in the development with Symfony.